
Corby Eason

Corby Eason


Brandt Shaw

Brandt Shaw


Heather Bauer

Heather Bauer


Tosha Miller

Tosha Miller


Contact Information

Main Office: 801-402-6600
Attendance: 801-402-6605
Counseling: 801-402-6610

Office Hours:  7:30 am - 3:30 pm
Office Manager:  Amber Ferre

North Layton Jr. High LEA-Specific Licensure Information 2024-2025

  • This school employs individuals holding an LEA-specific educator license, license areas, and/or endorsements.

  • The following designations or levels apply to educator licenses, license areas (i.e.-elementary, secondary, special education), and content endorsements (i.e.-mathematics, music, Spanish, social studies):

    • Percentage of the FTE that is fully qualified for their assignment:  Fully qualified means the educator has a current professional license and professional license areas and endorsements for their assignments.

    • Percentage of FTE that is partially qualified for their assignment:  Partially Qualified means the educator has an associate license/license area or endorsement in their assignment.  This includes professionally licensed educators who have received associate level license area/endorsements. 

    • Percentage of FTE that is not qualified for their assignment:  This includes educators without a current license, educators teaching on an LEA specific or a professional or associate educator teaching outside their area.  All LEA specific licenses fall into this category.    

  • As of 10/15/2024, this school employs educators with the following types of licensures:

    • Professional License -83%

    • Associate License - 14%

    • LEA-specific License - 3%

    • Not USBE Qualified - 0%

  • Individual educator credentials are public information and may be found here.

Administrative Memo

Mission Statement

Davis School District provides an environment where learning comes first.  Students master essential learning skills, demonstrate civic responsibility, prepare for post secondary education and careers, and engage in positive personal development.  Parents are invested in their student's education.  Employees recognize the value of their individual contributions and commit to excellence. The community supports the educational process.

The purpose of North Layton Jr. is to promote the mission of learning first for all. To accomplish our purpose we actively gather data and involve all stakeholders in the decision making process.  NLJH provides academic and social programs that are meant to include all students and meet their individual and diverse needs; and provides a safe environment to improve students' academic, social, and civic abilities.  At North Layton Junior High, we like to say Longhorns Learning Today...Leading Tomorrow.